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I have fired several different 410 rounds number 6 shot in 2 1/2 in is best at snakes out to ten feet for 2 legged snakes double oo buckshot in 3 in shell is great out to 35 feet. Will keep all 5 pellets in torso of man sized target. With 45colt fired 12 rounds at 6 in steel plates on dueling tree from 40 feet got hits on all shots. WITH A DERRI...
On the not-so-fun days, I sort of pine for the good old times of blued steel and walnut. Then there are the days when I see new and interesting stuff. The day I first shot Bond Arms’ new Bullpup9 was one of those better days. Okay, we all carry all the time, right? Actually, no. […]
BETWEEN 1852 AND 1868, A PINT-SIZE percussion pistol, the Philadelphia Deringer, was produced by gunsmith Henry Deringer. Because Deringer failed to patent his design, copies flooded the market, including counterfeits bearing his proofmark. Those copies were called derringers; the additional “r” was a misspelling. Today the derringer is often associated with gunslingers of the Old […]
by B. Gil Horman | September 25, 2012 When looking at the diverse selection of defensive handguns available on the market today, shooters tend to divide the playing field into “good” guns and “bad” guns. The good ones are reliable, shoot well and fill the buyer’s needs. The bad ones are inaccurate, dysfunctional or just […]
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