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Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Customer Comments
The recoil with the 45 long gets your attention but the 327 rounds were much easier on me. I'm sure it will be fun to shoot with the help you gave me on the bent elbow. A good friend who is a retired ranger said it was one of the nicest pieces he had see. Thanks for the follow up concern. - Lou Feulner
Whether You Have To Spin It, Shuck It Or Break It Open, The Choice Of A Concealable Defensive Handgun Is Yours. When it comes to personal defense handguns, a person’s innate proclivities are put on display. Some folks swear by revolvers while others will fill their hands with an autoloader or nothing at all. There […]
Bond Arms has been chosen to design a special edition handgun for the prestigious Texas Rangers for their historical 200th anniversary. This is like no other Bond Arms handgun ever made. It is a very limited edition, serial number firearm, and when they’re gone, they’re gone. The gun and knife grips are made from real […]
Davidsons’s has added Bond Arms to its product line. Located in Granbury, TX, Bond Arms manufactures the Bond Arms Derringer, and is a leader in the derringer industry in new product development. Bond Arms Derringers feature 14 interchangeable-caliber barrels. The company’s newest gun, the Bond Arms Ranger, Fires .45LC and .410 Buckshot. View original article […]
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