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Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Stinger Driving Holster
Z Slayer
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I recently Bought a USA Defender and took advantage of the 1/2 price barrel deal. The USA Defender was sweet right from the start, I loved it and everything I read and saw about Bond Arms. However, the true test of a company is how it does when things go wrong. When I test fired it with the 2nd barrel, it locked up repeatedly and quite honestly ...
The Bond ArmslPup9 design is based on the previously available Boberg Arms XR9-S. Shipments of Boberg XR9-S pistols started in the third quarter of 2011 and continued through 2016 when Bond Arms acquired Boberg Arms, including their handgun designs and patents. After a short transitionary period, an improved XR9-S based handgun is available again. It’s […]
I met Gordon Bond for the first time this year, and I walked away from our meeting completely convinced of his passion for the guns that bear his name. He wanted to know if I had ever had a chance to put one through its paces. I had to confess that, although I had handled […]
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