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Driving Holster
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Customer Comments
just got done shooting my texas defender. i feel sorry for what ever is in the receiving end of that!! the federal ooo buck four ball shot the best and the most accurate at twentyone feet. what a blast to shot!!!!
Even at Gordon’s 40th High School Reunion he is showing the guns.
I’ve never been very interested in carrying or shooting handguns. Not that I haven’t been exposed to them most of my life. My firearms instructors in the Marines gave me some good firearms instructions at a very early age. I just never thought I had need for a handgun later in life. I have more […]
Bond Arms has been chosen to design a special edition handgun for the prestigious Texas Rangers for their historical 200th anniversary. This is like no other Bond Arms handgun ever made. It is a very limited edition, serial number firearm, and when they’re gone, they’re gone. The gun and knife grips are made from real […]
America’s 1st Freedom – Bond Arms Review ~ Laurie Lee Dovey Click Here to Download a PDF of the Aricle, or view here:
The Backwoodsman Magazine – Bond Arms Review ~Charlie Chalk In the mid-1800′s, Remington developed a double-barrel, pocket pistol, designed to fire a .41 cal. rimfire round. Mostly used for self-defense, in close quarters, like across the card table from a low down card-cheating snake. Carried in vest pockets on riverboats, hip pockets of miners in […]
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