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Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Customer Comments
Enjoying carrying this little pocket canon and have fired it at the range a few times. Those who try it are surprised that the recoil is not worse. I find it very well balanced and manageable in .410 or .45 LC, using the stock grips.
In the mid-1800s, Henry Deringer began manufacturing what would eventually be called the derringer pistol, a derivative of his name by those who copied his work—a single-shot, short-barreled, large-caliber pistol using first the flintlock mechanism and later the percussion mechanism. A very small percentage of Deringer’s pistols were double-barreled, but those few were normally over/under […]
Henry Deringer produced his first pistol in 1830 and his initial offerings were percussion fired. Subsequent models fired fixed ammunition and Deringer’s influence over the genre was sufficient to transform his name into an eponym forever tied to these small pocket pistols. Derringers were produced by a variety of manufacturers to include Colt, Ethan Allen […]
(Article courtesy of Bond Arms of Granbury, Texas, is a well-known and respected manufacturer of modern derringers. With the Remington 95 derringer as a starting point, Bond Arms updated the basic design using modern materials and machining. Barrels and frames for the company’s stable use nothing but high-quality stainless steel. Bond Arms also added […]
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