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Stinger Driving Holster
Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Customer Comments
I finally had my long awaited opportunity to fire my new Snake Slayer. It’s in the 410/45 long caliber. It was a great experience and quite an attraction at the range. I was not sure what to expect with the accuracy but I am very pleased. I had a very nice pattern at 20 yards with the 45 Colt. I also purchased the BAD Driving Holster which...
Video Exclusive! Jeff Quinn tests the Bond Arms “Old Glory” 45 Colt / 410 Shotshell pistol finished in Black/Stainless Cerakote, available EXCLUSIVELY from Davidson’s Gallery of Guns. Click Here to Get Yours from Gallery Of Guns
TheFireArmGuy Does Some Backing Up With the Bond Arms Backup. Each time he hits the target with the backup he moves back 5 yards. You won’t believe how far away he is hitting the target with a .45ACP 2.5″ barrel derringer! Watch the video, and comment below: Try the backup challenge yourself and send in […]
Renaissance Firearms reviews the Bond Arms Ranger II using .45LC rounds.
Garrett Talks about the Bond Arms Bullpup 9mm pistol. This brand new bond arms pistol is coming out late 2016. Thanks to for the great video!
Awesome video where thefirearmguy reviews and shoots the Bond Arms Handguns
When the subject of handgun shot loads comes up the question that follows is: Do you recommend them for defensive use? In my experience people hit with these loads make great haste in vacating the premises. As I’m fond of saying, people don’t like getting shot – with anything. Most authorities on the subject of […]
Published on Jun 7, 2015 Here is a very tough and well made derringer from Bond Arms called the Backup .45. This two shot derringer an excellent choice for a heavy load pocket gun. recently just put out a new video highlighting some of the fun they had shooting the Bond Arms Line of firearms. Watch the video here:
On Youtube TheFirearmGuy did a great in depth Bond Arms USA Defender Video Review: Published on Sep 21, 2014 I call the USA Defender the Beauty and the Beast because the gun is just beautiful and yet capable of handling heavy loads without issue. The USA Defender is an excellent all around choice for […]
On Youtube TheFirearmGuy did a great in depth Bond Arms Backup Video Review: Published on Sep 11, 2014 The Bond Arms .45 Backup is the ultimate concealed carry derringer. It is small and compact but built tough and strong for lifelong durability. The .45 Backup is a close range two shot derringer that delivers a […]
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