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Stinger Driving Holster
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Customer Comments
Perfect pocket gun. Could not believe how easy and fun this gun is to shoot. Very accurate!
In 2015, Bond Arms Inc. celebrated its 20th Anniversary on a high-note, having overcome so many obstacles during its early years, that it has become a classic example of good old American entrepreneurship, perseverance and family values. In 1995, Greg Bond, a former Texas Instruments engineer and tool and die maker, incorporated Bond Arms with the idea that the Remington Model 95 over-under, single-action derringer could be converted from an Old West anachronism that was basically know as a cheap, dangerous, throw away type gun into a modern, safe, dependable, and well-built defensive handgun. Click here to read the whole Bond Arms story.
CBS Bond Arms Factory Tour:
Worlds Greatest Presents: Bond Arms Handguns:
Gun Stories: Bond Arms
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