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I recently purchased a Texas Defender. This is my first Bond Arms Firearm and not my last. I have owned a different make of derringer in the past and shooting it felt like hitting your hand with a ball peen hammer. Not so with this firearm. It was purchased thru a dealer who said a lady owned it. I have watched every single youtube video Gordon upl...
In 2015, Bond Arms Inc. celebrated its 20th Anniversary on a high-note, having overcome so many obstacles during its early years, that it has become a classic example of good old American entrepreneurship, perseverance and family values. In 1995, Greg Bond, a former Texas Instruments engineer and tool and die maker, incorporated Bond Arms with the idea that the Remington Model 95 over-under, single-action derringer could be converted from an Old West anachronism that was basically know as a cheap, dangerous, throw away type gun into a modern, safe, dependable, and well-built defensive handgun. Click here to read the whole Bond Arms story.
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