Bond Arms strongly discourages our customers from purchasing aftermarket rimfire barrels because of their high rate of failure.  

Getting a small firing pin to line up just right with the small rim is much more difficult than lining up the firing pin to hit the much larger centerfire primer.  

For that reason, Bond Arms test fires each and every rimfire pistol we sell to ensure that the barrel and the frame are properly matched to each other.  This is the only way to guarantee that the pistol functions properly.

Aftermarket rimfire barrels have not been matched to customer's frames, and (more often than not) will not function properly.  Therefore, if a customer wishes to own a Bond Arms derringer which will fire a .22LR, Bond has six models from which to choose: 
Rawhide 22LR (
Stinger RS 22LR (
Stinger 22LR (
BP22  (
Honey B

Every now and then, on social media, a claim is made that someone bought an aftermarket rimfire barrel for their Bond derringer that worked just fine.  This is not the norm.  Every day, Bond Arms manufactures rimfire barrels that do not fire from their original frames, and they have to be fit to other frames to fire properly before we ship them.  Just because one person with one frame has an aftermarket barrel that works on their derringer does not guarantee that any other aftermarket rimfire barrel with work on your frame. 

Bond Arms strongly discourages our customers from purchasing aftermarket rimfire barrels because of their high rate of failure.

It is also for the above stated reasons that Bond Arms does not, and will not, manufacture rimfire barrels for sale as an accessory.  You must buy the firearms to guarantee proper results.

Gordon Bond addresses the issue here:  

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