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Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Stinger Driving Holster
Customer Comments
I did fire my gun the other day and I was shocked at how well it performed. The .410 2.5 inch round was easy to handle in this pistol. I am a disabled person and I am pleased with my purchase. Thank you.
The Action Upgrade is only available to guns with a serial number under 95,000 due to the guns after that already have the lightest trigger and hammer pull that we offer.
If you are interested in getting an Action Upgrade please contact Customer Service for pricing and how to send your gun in. Customer Service phone number is 817-573-4445 and the email is is also worth pointing out that Bond Arms also replaces the hammer as part of the action upgrade. The older hammer was narrow. Newer hammers are flared at the top for a more comfortable shooting experience.
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