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Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
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This weekend a couple of friends and I fired the 410 cal. Snake Slayer for the first time since buying it and we could not believe how user friendly and safe it was. There was a lot less recoil than we had expected probably attributed to the weight and balance. Very impressed and would recommend buying one!
With the new year started, it’s time to look at the new handguns that manufacturers introduced for 2024. Some years, firearm companies bring out a whole bunch of newly designed pistols and revolvers, others less so. Regarding 2024 handguns, companies came in somewhere in the middle.
A few companies brought out some nice and interesting handguns for 2024. Quite a few ended up being new versions or updates of previous models in either features or caliber. However, several are completely new. This includes a couple that were quite surprising, especially considering from where they came. Well, here are some of the 2024 handguns you should consider this year.
The Bond Arms Honey B has been out for a while, but now the company produces it in .22 Mag. While a .22 might not be exactly what one desires for self-defense, it can make a decent, last-ditch option. And while the .22 Mag. might not be a true stopper, it rocks much harder than the .22 LR. Of course, this is just the latest caliber option for the Honey B. This two-shot derringer provides plenty of options in.380 ACP, 9mm and .38 Spl.
Bond Arms Honey B .22 Mag. Coming Soon to
Those shotgun chambered handguns have been out for a while. In fact, Bond Arms has produced one for a few years now. The Rowdy XL is simply the company’s latest offering in .45 Colt/.410. For this model, Bond combined a better designed grip with a lower price point. The Rowdy XL comes with a B6 Resin extended grip to help manage recoil. It also comes with a robust stainless-steel frame. Finally, the company used a bead-blasted finish, instead of a polish sheen, to reduce costs on this derringer.
Those wanting to thump a target should not overlook the Bond Arms Cyclops® Thumper. Introduced in .50 AE this year, this single-shot handgun provides a lot of power in a fairly small package. Part of the secret behind this gun, basically making recoil manageable, is the redesigned grip and the fact that the barrel is the same size as a derringer. This adds a whole lot of metal under the barrel, which adds weight. The design also lowers the bore, so the kick is more back than up. In any case, the Cyclops® is a whole lot of handgun, but a viable option for those wanting a big bore without dropping thousands.
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