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Customer Comments
I have fired my 357/38 Texas Defender with the 3 inch barrel. The top barrel is right on target and the lower barrel shoots low, I will figure out the elevation needed to get shots on the X. I have taken advantage of the reduced price on a second barrel and I’m looking forward to firing the 4.25 inch .45/.410 when it arrives. I hope that y...
On Youtube TheFirearmGuy did a great in depth Bond Arms Backup Video Review:
Published on Sep 11, 2014
The Bond Arms .45 Backup is the ultimate concealed carry derringer. It is small and compact but built tough and strong for lifelong durability. The .45 Backup is a close range two shot derringer that delivers a powerful .45acp punch.
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For Bond Arms Backup Holsters click here.
Get Bond Arms Matte Finished “backup” barrels Here.
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