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Driving Holster
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Customer Comments
I went to the range today to shoot my “Snake Slayer” with the 4 1/4 in barrel. Extremely pleased ! I shot 45 Colt 250 GRAIN Winchester Super X , Lead flat nosed rounds. The range master was watching several of us shooting. I was going for center mass targeting at 8 yds. to 9 yds. He said , WOW , You did That with a Derringer ? ! I JU...
On the not-so-fun days, I sort of pine for the good old times of blued steel and walnut. Then there are the days when I see new and interesting stuff. The day I first shot Bond Arms’ new Bullpup9 was one of those better days.
Okay, we all carry all the time, right? Actually, no. As it turns out, most who legally can don’t. Carrying a handgun can be a pain — literally. Unless you are going to spend your life wearing heavy clothes for everyday carry (EDC), modern threads are not conducive to carrying a full-sized gun either. So, many of us search for the smallest handgun to carry that’s big enough to be useful.
by Patrick Sweeney | December 20th, 2017 Read full Article:
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