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Stinger Driving Holster
Z Slayer
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
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I found your website thru the NRA, and first off I need to say thank God for them. I accessed your site and learned so much from your instructional videos, they helped with making sure I chose the right gun, and especially enjoyed the walk thru showing each type of gun and how they would apply to me. Actually learn d more from your site than the...
With the 45 Colt being a hand cannon, practice becomes tiring after a few rounds. I purchased the .327 Barrel to get more trigger time. Because of the way the trigger needs to be pulled in a downward motion on derringers, it takes more range time to get the grip and pull correct. I have found that after a couple of hundred rounds that the trigger fees much better. It may be a combination of break-in and trigger time. With the .327 mag i can shoot mild .32 S&W (like a BB gun), .32 S&W Long ( like a .22), .32 H&R mag (like a .38) and .327Mag (wicked). The .327 mag is more punishing than the .45 Colt. This is surprising because the bullet is half the weight. I have not chronographed the velocities, but I expect higher performance from the .327 since it has longer rifling and should be able to develop better potential. Another reason that the .45 perceives to have less recoil is because of the tendency to grip tighter for the larger caliber. Because the .327 has 4 different bullets to use for practice, it makes range time a pleasant time. I prefer to use .2 S&W long for trigger time, but when I put in .327 mag, it draws attention.
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