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Stinger Driving Holster
Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Customer Comments
Took it to the range on the idea my wife would have her first weapon. I was surprised at the power, this gun have, to much for my wife so I carry it as a back weapon. I like power in a hand gun. I had to change grips for softer impact for my hand. Feels good now.
Shot a friends snake slayer a few years ago,and loved it. Money was tight so it took awhile before I Finally got a deal on a Cowboy with 22 mag barrels,and then purchased the Snake Slayer barrels, which arrived on my birthday. Spent the afternoon shooting,even got my woman to shoot it a couple times. Truly love these little Cannons! Just recently got the rubber grips[arthritis] so the 3 inch 410’s are less brutal, the 2 1/2’s and 45 LC’s are easy enough tho. Accuracy was easy enough to figure out, as a couple watermelon can attest to. The quality of this gun is amazing! Fit and finish are excellent, I am really lovin' this Baby. Looking forward to getting another one soon. Thank you for making such a fun gun to shoot! - Steven Kennedy.
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