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Stinger Driving Holster
Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Customer Comments
Last fall I purchased a Texas Defender 38sp/357. Wow, what a gun. Handles great and packs a punch, particularly the .357. Then I found out about the promo from Bond Arms in November for 50% off extra barrel. I contacted them and said I bought mine in October, no problem, they sent me the coupon code for the barrel. So I ordered the Snake Slaye...
Unlike some guns that I have owned, my Bond Arms cannons go boom every time I pull the trigger. I have a Cowboy Defender and a Mini. Both are fitted with jumbo grips. I have four barrels to choose from. The quality of these guns is as good or better than any brand on the market and the quality of the service provided by this great company is beyond compare. It doesn’t matter which model you buy because all the grips and barrels are interchangeable and they can be configured any way you like.
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