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Driving Holster
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Customer Comments
Great gun very accurate and very easy to shoot. I have an lbw holsters and my hand cannon is very comfortable. Still waiting for my 38 357 barrel. I thoroughly love my 410 45 4.5 inch barrel and wish the 38 357 came in a 4.5.
I live in rural Pennsylvania and was first drawn to Bond Arms during the Obama era ammunition droughts. The idea of being stuck somewhere when “The Stuff Hits the Fan” with a handgun and little ammunition was somewhat frightening. The legally carried Bond Arms Snake Slayer in .45 Colt/.410 loaded with Winchester PDX1 and extra barrels in .22 LR, .380 ACP and .327 Federal gave me peace of mind that I could find sufficient ammunition to defend myself. While never being stuck anywhere completely unarmed.
Continuing health issues have made it increasingly difficult to fund “want” purchases. So, I began searching for pre-owned options at local gun shops, as well as online sources. I found the aforementioned on a Gun Broker auction along with the extra barrels.
I’ve since purchased two additional barrels, a .22 WMR and a .357/.38. The second was available at a 50% discount directly from Bond Arms. Since the gun was pre-owned, I was pleasantly surprised to find that this deal still applied. The package is now complete with the addition of a BAD driving holster and a Sticky holster.
Sometime later I requested an extra barrel hinge screw, but due to torn inner and outer packaging, it was lost during USPS transit. I now know this damage was caused by the sharpness of the screw threads, because the replacement envelope arrived in much the same condition. Thankfully, this time the item was still inside. Needless to say, I’m very satisfied with the experiences I’ve had with the customer service department. Thank you for manufacturing such outstanding American-Made handguns. The quality is superb.
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