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Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Z Slayer
Customer Comments
I purchased my Cowboy Defender on sale at my local Academy; it came with the .22mag barrel set. I ordered the .22lr set to go with it, along with the .380 that was being sold at half price. I never could get either .22cal set to consistently fire. I contacted the manager at BA; they said that probably customers had been dry-firing the gun. I ended ...
I have been in the market for a .45/.410 gun. I researched and researched and luckily the day I went to purchase another brand, the store was out. Fast forward 10 months and I had the opportunity to purchase again. I researched again and this time stumbled onto Bond Arms. I immediately fell for the SSIV 4.25" and bought it a few days later.
It took me a couple weeks before I was able to shoot my new toy. I was as excited as a 8-yr old getting my first baseball glove from Santa. I had anticipated and was ready for the kick from the 3" #4 shot. It was not bad and less than I had expected. The normal handle is a little small for my hand (my ring finger and pinky hang over the bottom) so I am ordering the Jumbo Rosewood Grip.
Shooting a .45 then a 3" 000 buckshot is awesome. I just received my 4.25" 9mm barrel. Cant wait to shoot it as well.
I now have a continuous list of Christmas presents from my family. Thanks Bond Arms....
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