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Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Stinger Driving Holster
Customer Comments
Finally got a chance to shoot my new Snake Slayer 3-1/2″ using 000 buc (4 round pellets) and #4 shot shells because I am not near a shotgun range. I used Federal and Remington defensive rounds. You have to hang on to the gun. Kicks pretty good but manageable. Got perfect round holes about the size of a .38 in the target when using the 000 ...
I have owned a Texas Defender in 45LC and do not go on any road trips without it ! I purchased the car holster along with new grips the rosewood and star. The holster is comfortable to wear for long periods of time and is great when you are carrying concealed it’s like it’s not even there ! There are only two derringers allowed to be sold in Maryland and Bond Arms is the one I choose great quality and a beautiful handgun . Who could ask for more ! Well worth the money, so get your own this one is mine and I’m not giving it up !!!
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