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Driving Holster
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Customer Comments
I’m a person of few words so forgive me if I don’t go on and on regarding the virtues of the Bond Arms line-up. I’ve carried a Texas Defender for many years settling on the .45 acp and the 410 barrels. I’ve got big mits so the only addition, other than a holster was the extended grips. I am lucky enough to live in Georgia...
Just received my Snake Slayer and gave it a good looking over. If had to say anything negative on quality, would be because I am a machinist of 30 years. There are sharp edges on the extractor and around the barrel on the chamber end. I know how things like this can happen. If I were making these firearms I would not want this and I don’t think Bond Arms does. This has nothing to do with my being pleased with my purchase of this little gem. I have handguns from 380 caliber to 500 magnum, so I am not recoil sensitive and can be a good judge of recoil. For those who are concerned about how this little derringer is going to recoil, let me put your mind at ease here. My daughter has been looking for a handgun for self defense and wanted something with power. She saw it on the table and pick it up and said, this is it. I had not fired it yet, so I could not tell her a thing about recoil. When she saw what I loaded it with, 2 1/2 in. 410, 000 buck and a 45 colt, her eyes opened wide opened and said no way. She is 42 years old and has never fired a handgun of any kind. I fired it first and fell in love with it then and there. I loaded it for her and she cocked it, at first, said I can’t do it. With a little coaching, she pulled the trigger, another Snake Slayer sold. The Snake Slayer is a quality piece and will perform just like the manufacture states. With use of ammunition designed for the caliber, the firearm performs safe and reliably. I am impressed with the fit and finish and the balance and performance of this derringer. I love the Bonds Arms concept.
If you have been in the market for a back up weapon or for any reason where a small powerful handgun would serve, you will be pleased with a Bond Arms derringer. I can say a bit about having the web of your hand on the cocked hammer, I could not pull the trigger. Keep the hand a bit away form the hammer.
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