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Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Stinger Driving Holster
Driving Holster
Customer Comments
I bought the special issue Pike's Pike Model (a Defender, .45LC/.410, 2.5 in with .357/.38 3.0 in second barrel, included). My wife liked it, and said she'd rather have this one instead of her Ruger hammerless .357/.38. I got her the .22LR 3.0 in barrell for practicing and target shooting.
I bought myself a Texas Defender .45LC/.410 3 in...
I purchased a Bond Arms backup around 2 years ago on a whim, never being much of a gun person (maybe have shot 1 or 2 handguns in the last 20 years). My neighbor had a small derringer in .38 special and I thought that would be a nice pistol for self defense. After consulting the handgun folks at Cabelas, they recommended a Bond Arms derringer. The guy behind the counter said they had no equal when it came to craftsmanship. After purchasing the extended grip later on, and then picking up the .357 barrel and also the .45 colt barrel, I have burned through over 3000 rounds of ammo practicing with this gun.
I have heard several comments about how the Backup only holds two rounds, but the recoil is very manageable and the gun is enjoyable to shoot (even with hot loads). I would challenge anyone to shoot 25 rounds of .357 through an airweight, J frame revolver! Shooting 100 rounds of the same ammo through the Backup is a fun day. The reload on this weapon is quick and simple, these guys have turned the derringer into a functional, reliable combat weapon. I know that the 45/.410 combo is really popular, but this gun is not a bad range gun. If you are going to do a lot of target shooting like I do, consider the .45 colt only barrel. It is more accurate and the barrel has a little more rifling. I plan to eventually purchase more barrels but the 3.5 inch .357 is my favorite (I also have the .357 in a 4.25 inch barrel to optimize velocity and energy of the round)
Last of all, this company’s customer service is really good. These guys are all about their products and will not hesitate to help you get exactly what you need. I talked to 2 people from Bond Arms on the phone and can’t say enough good things. I wouldn’t mind seeing the .41 mag in a 3.5 inch barrel, but I cannot complain about their great current selection. If you want a pistol that fires magnum calibers and fits easily into a pants pocket, Bond derringers are the way to go.
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