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Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Customer Comments
I have owned a Texas Defender in 45LC and do not go on any road trips without it ! I purchased the car holster along with new grips the rosewood and star. The holster is comfortable to wear for long periods of time and is great when you are carrying concealed it’s like it’s not even there ! There are only two derringers allowed to be...
Finally had a chance to fire my Christmas present – wow! Here are some thoughts ...
First of all, this thing is a work of art in stainless steel. The craftsmanship and engineering, put simply, are outstanding. I also bought an additional 9mm barrel when the 50 percent off sale was underway, and a Bond mini holster. Again, both are extremely high quality – the holster is beautiful, and darn functional.
Now to the range – first, I fired 10 Hornady .45 Colt 185s – hand cannon is right! The power was flat out fun to experience. The recoil was certainly manageable, and really pretty comfortable. I switched to the 9mm barrel – which took all of 30 seconds – and fired 100 rounds through it ... flawlessly.
I am not the best shot on the planet, but from 5 and 7 yards and after settling in a little I did as well with my new mini as I do with my Ruger LCP and Kahr 9mm. This little gun quickly became one of my carry options.
Nicely done Bond Arms. It is great to see a homegrown product line that lives up to and exceeds expectations. I am a fan – and will keep firing Bond in the future. Thanks!
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