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Stinger Driving Holster
Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Customer Comments
I have had my eye on Bond Arms and their “little guns” for a long time. I recently purchased a Ranger2. I immediately needed to get to the range and check out my new purchase. My Ranger2 came with the 410/45 barrel so I loaded up on some 410 shells in both bird shot and some defensive rounds ammo. I figured the 410 would have the h...
Finally got a chance to shoot my new Snake Slayer 3-1/2″ using 000 buc (4 round pellets) and #4 shot shells because I am not near a shotgun range. I used Federal and Remington defensive rounds. You have to hang on to the gun. Kicks pretty good but manageable. Got perfect round holes about the size of a .38 in the target when using the 000 buc. Shot 16 rounds. You would not want to shoot 50 rounds at one time. Your hand will hurt. From a defensive view, after the first shot, your target will drop from either the 4 pellets or a heart attack. It is a scary gun from the target’s view. Lots of fun to shoot. I shot about 30′ from the target and still managed a ten inch spread. Normally, you would be closer to your attacker. This is my new carry gun. It conceals nicely. It will replace my Glock 36 which imprints. I also own a Ruger Blackhawk Convertible 45acp/45lc. I will try the 45lc bullets at a later time. Am thinking about ordering your 45acp barrel and selling my Glock. Thanks for making such a great gun. I should have bought it sooner.
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