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Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Customer Comments
After careful consideration, I chose a Bond Arms Backup as my secondary weapon on duty. As a police officer, you have to be careful what you carry concealed on the job. The weapon has to be small, safe (not likely to fall out or go off when running or fighting), and reliable. I picked Bond Arms for two reasons: first the weapon could be chambe...
I went to the range today to shoot my “Snake Slayer” with the 4 1/4 in barrel. Extremely pleased ! I shot 45 Colt 250 GRAIN Winchester Super X , Lead flat nosed rounds. The range master was watching several of us shooting. I was going for center mass targeting at 8 yds. to 9 yds. He said , WOW , You did That with a Derringer ? ! I JUST SMILED ! ! ! The BEST Purchase I EVER MADE ! ! !
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