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Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Stinger Driving Holster
Driving Holster
Customer Comments
I recently had an issue with the trigger guard on my Snake Slayer. I was unable to successfully send pictures of the issue. Joe Woodard in CS called/e-mailed me for some information as to the nature of the issue. After a short,pleasant and very professional conversation the concern was readily and easily resolved. I was not the original owner of...
I wanted to let you at Bond Arms know I absolutely love my Bond Arms USA Defender, I carry it all day everyday since I purchased it about a month ago and shoot it daily on my home range, what a joy to shoot and breeze to clean, I’m not sure why people complain about the recoil? I’ve had hand and wrist surgery in the past and find this handgun smooth as butter with zero discomfort and very minimal recoil with full power standard pressure loads, it also shoots easily one handed, if I could afford to I’d shoot 200+ rounds a day with it, it is a really fun gun to shoot, it is easy to hit your target, but with practice and adjusting sight picture with the two barrels it can be shot extremely accurate at various ranges, you don’t have to settle for just hitting you can achieve accurate shot placement. I live on and own 6 acres in the woods attached to another 100+ acres of forest and have coyote, fox, bobcats and occasionally black bears and countless other wild animals, I also have two small children 3 and under I no longer lump my 12 gauge around with me for a “just in case”, we spend most of our time outside and in the woods, I feel perfectly capable with my Bond Arms matched with the right ammo, the Bond perfectly fits my handgun needs. I’ve put a fair amount of rounds through it since getting it and have tried various loads and find that for a everyday carry 45 Colt round Hornady Critical Defense 185 grain shoot very, very accurate out of this gun, for 000 buck I find the Federal 410 handgun performs consistently well, for just plinking 180 grain 45 Scolfield are good, the 250 grain cowboy loads tend to keyhole. For the woods, as a predator defense Underwood and Buffalo Bore standard pressure 225 grain hard cast wadcutters and 225 grain lead Keith type semi wadcutters shoot well and are accurate and hit hard, but find Underwood to make a more consistent round and better price. Some say 2 rounds is not enough, the way I look at it any justification for having to fire defensively be it two or four legged would be well inside of 20′, even without getting a sight picture you will hit a threat as this gun is an extension of your hand, because of the way this gun is sighted the bottom barrel is the most accurate, so I keep mine loaded with Federal 000 buck in the top chamber set to fire first as a draw quick panic shot, and if that doesn’t stop or discourage the threat, my bottom barrel is loaded with a 45 Colt round that can be delivered with great accuracy and will most definitely put a stop to anything using the appropriate ammo. I would love to see Bond Arms do a ballistics test with various 45 Colt ammo, and 000 buck, I think it would be beneficial. I also have a 3.5″ 38 special/357 mag barrel that just arrived and have fired about 200 rounds of different ammo through it, again the Hornady 38 special critical defense preformed best, I need to pick up some 357mag rounds to tryout. My Bond Arms is by far my favorite firearm.
Thanks for a really solid and great firearm, Pete
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