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Customer Comments
Expecting a quality product I was not surprised to find the Snake Slayer IV holster was everything I was looking for and consisting of the finest materials and workmanship.
This weapon is my perfect home defense weapon. For many years I kept a short barrel(legal 16″ mind you) pistol grip .410 Mossburg as my HDW. Very adequate but cumbersome and hard to conceal. My girlfriend hated the idea and fact of it being around when she had her kids there. of course I’d put it in the safe during those times but really defeated the purpose. Had tried a public defender but once again not really that concealable with the kids around. Now I have the century 2000 and can keep it in my pocket. Not once have I heard “whats that in your pocket?” Great carry out on the date too. Have been to the range enough to get acquainted with this hand cannon. I tell you with the right ammo ( Winchester .410 PDF) absolutely devastating. Even got my girlfriend to try it. She likes it but says a little to much recoil for her. My buds kinda choked at “only two shots” til they see the results at 10-15ft. I do carry extra rounds in an old beeper pouch I have, works great and can carry 6-8 assorted shells. The quality is superb. My only complaint, the safety needs a positive lock situation. I mean have not had a problem but the slide action just gives me a uneasy feeling while carrying, probably just my paranoia. Overall a great weapon, well made, accurate, and suited to its purpose. Stopping the bad guy.
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