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Driving Holster
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Z Slayer
Customer Comments
I am the proud owner of a Brown Bear (California) in 45 Colt. During the un-boxing, I was very pleased with the high quality of the firearm as well as the attention to detail in the manufacture of the firearm.
I’ve been to the range several times and have worked my way up from lighter cowboy action loads to standard defensive round...
Can’t say enough about the quality of my 4.25″ Rustic Ranger in 45LC/.410 which I purchased through Cabela’s. I also purchased some 3″ #000 Buck shells for personal protection and some 2.5″ 9 shot field loads for practice. The fit and finish of this firearm is 10/10! At the range, the #000 Buck is a handful, with a very respectable recoil (similar to my .44 mag 5″ revolver) but due to the superior design of this incredible firearm and the addition of the extended grip, there is NO muzzle flip. The derringer pushes straight back into the palm of your hand. Shoots exactly where I aimed, both at 5 yards and 10 yards. The 5 BBs shot groups of 4-6″. Devastating personal defense protection!
The 2.5″ 9 shot had less than 1/2 of the recoil of the 3″ 000 Buck and was very pleasant to shoot. I also purchased a 9mm 3″ barrel which had virtually NO noticeable recoil. 1″ groups for the two shots at 10 feet. So fun to shoot!
Be warned! Unless you’re more disciplined than me, you’ll have frequent charges to Bond Arms. I’ve already ordered my third barrel. A 3″ 45LC/.410 to use as my CCW. The 3″ barrel fits great in the pocket holster (also purchased from Bond Arms) and my other “inside-the-pants” holster. What a great carry weapon, two shots of the 2.5″ #000 Buck equals 8x 9mm size projectiles into your adversary. What a game changer!
Another satisfied Bond Arms customer? Obviously!
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