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Customer Comments
I found a used century for a fantastic price and snapped it up. The 45/410 really shot well and was easy to use. I liked it so much I bought a pair of snakeslayer 4s in both calibers. The utility is amazing and the quality unreal.Best choice for real world small gun carry.
I wrote to Gordon Bond a few weeks back. This is a true rendition of an experience that I’d only a short few weeks back. This is basic letter sent to Mr. Bond. I have had my Snake Slayer now a little over a month. I was on my way to the store … a few blocks from home … I had stuck the pistol in my belt … and had forgoten to remove same before going to store … since having to go into grocery … I simply just fastened jacket over pistol … I had driven motorcycle to the store …Upon leaving store … noticed a pick-up truck parked a bit too close to my bike … right next to my Harley were two guys paying way too much attention to my ride … they were also looking around a bit to much a their surroundings and seemed nervious. I was carying a bag of grocerys to throw into a milk crate on back of bike … As I approached my machine , I let my jacket gape open a bit … one or both off the guys saw my pistol & and the both of them got away from my bike in a hurry and got into the pick-up quick. Safe I was … Confident I was … Still have MY BIKE … Had I not had the pistol or come out of the grocery when I did … the outcome would have been diffdrent … by the way …. the two guys got the heck outta there. Thanks to Bond Arm … Safe . Since I’ve been practicing I put my second shots a lot of the time (a about 25-30 ft. within about 1/2 in. of the first shot. It has happened enough to be clear , that this is one very special firearm , or I’m getting better … Hornedy 45 long colt ammo. Thank You cor a remarkable product & for keeping me safe !!!!!
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