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Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Customer Comments
With the 45 Colt being a hand cannon, practice becomes tiring after a few rounds. I purchased the .327 Barrel to get more trigger time. Because of the way the trigger needs to be pulled in a downward motion on derringers, it takes more range time to get the grip and pull correct. I have found that after a couple of hundred rounds that the trigge...
I have wanted a Bond Arms Derringer since you folks have opened your doors for business. I even considered moving to Texas just so I could buy one. Then I happen to see DOJ’s new list with California on it. I think I own number 38 made for CA. It’s everything I thought it would be and more. For firing a 45 long colt the recoil is not bad at all. I recommend a Bond Arms Derringer to anyone who wants up close personnel protection. You’ll sleep well at night.
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