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Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Driving Holster
Customer Comments
I’m a 64 yr. old kid that has wanted a “Bond Arms” derringer for several yrs., it was hard to decide which one. I chose the “Snake Slayer” because of the length of the grip. I can not express how much I like this gun. Love the way it feels in my hand, the way it shoots, the look, the quality of the way it is made. I...
I bought myself the Texas Defender in 22 mag and got the .45 /410 barrel. I have shot both barrels and I am a small frame woman with small hands and most guns I have used really hurt my hands . Of course the 22 mag barrel was ever so sweet to shoot . The 410 barrel was a little rougher but not so bad that I wouldn’t want to shoot it again ( like my bodyguard S & W 380) Everyone that has seen this gun thinks it is the coolest ever and that in turn makes me cool too!
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