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Driving Holster
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Stinger Driving Holster
Customer Comments
This is a great pistol, I am a former and retired Law enforcement officer. I wish I had this derringer to carry, back in the day. I am 68 hrs old, I have had it for 2 mo., and I carry it every where, spoke to Joe, at bonds arms, and ordered A 4.25 inch barrel. It shoots great. Thanks for a great gun. Love the 38/357 barrel..and we are ordering a...
After careful consideration, I chose a Bond Arms Backup as my secondary weapon on duty. As a police officer, you have to be careful what you carry concealed on the job. The weapon has to be small, safe (not likely to fall out or go off when running or fighting), and reliable. I picked Bond Arms for two reasons: first the weapon could be chambered for any pistol round, thus matching the caliber of my duty weapon (9mm Glock 17 Gen4), and second it had a manual safety (so it is less likely to go off in my pocket). I have another derringer, bequeathed to me by my grandmother. I would have carried it but it had no safety, trigger guard, and it was chambered for .22 Magnum.
I got my Backup and was immediately impressed by the craftsmanship. This was no "Saturday Night Special" or pawn shop junk piece. I took it out and put some rounds through it. I was always told (and experienced) that you could not hit "the broadside of a barn" (my grandfather's quote) with a derringer. Not so with this pistol. With the true blade front sight and rear sight, I got as good a sight picture as I would with a revolver. At 7 yards it was dead on. Just what I wanted.
I showed it off to my fellow officers. They are quite impressed and jealous. The fact it uses the same ammo we carry is a great comfort; if my main weapon malfunctions or someone takes my duty pistol from me, I have 34 extra rounds on me for my Bond Arms Backup. It fits nicely in my pocket, and no one notices it. As an added bonus, it come in handy for animal destruction. If I use it (which I have and it dispatched a rabid raccoon nicely) instead of my duty weapon, I don't have to write a report!
On order is a 45/410 barrel for fun. Great, great job Bond Arms! Highly recommended as a backup gun for any officers by a 16 year serving Indiana police sergeant.
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