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Driving Holster
Stinger Driving Holster
Customer Comments
Hi Bond family,
Last year I got my cc permit, I have many guns but none fit my definition of a cc gun. To me a cc gun would have to be something small enough to carry or put in my pocket without even thinking about it. I wanted to be able to take it with me without even thinking about it, like putting your keys in your pocket, just somet...
I’ve fired my new Snake Slayer two times with different range buddies. One of them is a little scared of it. It’s a handcannon alright. The other friend thinks it’s the coolest thing and wants to get one. I like shooting the 3″ Federal 5 pellet load quickly from hip. It kicks pretty good and the pellet spread seems about perfect from defense distances. I have the Bond Arms IWB and pocket holsters. The IWB really tucks away nicely by my kidney. The pocket carry is a little bulky, but I still like it. I ordered a left hand locking lever and it installed perfectly. If you think you want a Bond Arms gun get one.
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