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Customer Comments
The Derringer is a well built fire arm built by Bond Arms and would recommend it to anyone. I shot it the other day with the 410 bird shot and the 2 1/2 in. 410 buck shot and now I know why gamblers used it at the card table and not at long range. I stepped off 20 ft. and fired at a half silhouette. With the bird shot, I got a few in the target....
I fired my new Cowboy Defender with both 410 and long Colt 45 rounds last weekend. My target was a torso sized cardboard box I placed on a 1″ pvc pipe. My first shot with the 45 round at 30 yards was pretty much in the center of the box and completely destroyed the pvc pipe inside. I was impressed. I was also pleased that the recoil was far less than I had expected. Love the gun.
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