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A classic weapon in modern form.
In the 1800s British big game hunters carried a short, double barreled pistol for dealing with attacking big cats and other dangerous animals. They were shotgun pistols that were devastating. You can see on in use in the movie "The Ghost and the Darkness" with Michael Douglass & Val Kilmer. Howdahs were basically little cannons that blasted anything you aimed it at...into the next world.

I have carried a USA Defender in my work for a number of years and I love it - but the Snake Slayer is what I now carry when I don’t need to conceal my weapon. As a geologist I spend a lot of time in odd places with unique hazards - pit bulls and drug thugs are the most common. The Snake Slayer IV lets you unleash 3 inch shells loaded with 00 buckshot - at close range in a tight pattern. Its handy in both the bush and the urban jungle.

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