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Z Slayer
Driving Holster
Customer Comments
A very well made piece that’s comfortable to wear. Nice job!
I was at the ranch a couple weeks after getting my Bond Arms Defender for my birthday. It came in .22 mag and I got the .45/.410 3 1/2 in. barrel on the half off deal. In Texas, as a kid, you learn to scan the ground constantly as you walk in the country looking for movement, i.e., snakes. I was walking from a fence repair I had just made when my movement detector went into auto pilot. It was a rattler. I was able to get my Defender with the Snake Slayer barrel out and fired probably within a second or two. I had not changed my round from the 3 pellet buckshot round so I did not know if I had hit it. I circled into the brush area he had crawled into trying to get a sight on him while changing the cartridges into #4 shot I had in my pocket. I could not see anything in the direction he was going. I looked back at the brush area he first crawled into and sure enough there he was all coiled up without moving. I gave him two .410 #4 shot shells just for good measure. He just squirmed around a little. I pulled him out with a shovel and cut his head off for further good measure. I must admit I feel pretty confident in my pistol after that encounter. I had been practicing getting a hand on it and out of my pocket quick. It works. I plan on getting some stag grips and several more barrels to give me the ability to shoot any round I reload. Good Job Bond Arms.
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