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Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Stinger Driving Holster
Customer Comments
At sixty-nine years of age I'm quite a newcomer to shooting guns I but have fallen head over heels in love with it. I'm not much of a handgun efficiano but I can't deny the feelings I'm having with my new 'Papa Bear' .45/.410 pistol. First time I've actually felt 'giddy' about something since I got a car when I was sixteen in 1964. I can't stay awa...
I found your website thru the NRA, and first off I need to say thank God for them. I accessed your site and learned so much from your instructional videos, they helped with making sure I chose the right gun, and especially enjoyed the walk thru showing each type of gun and how they would apply to me. Actually learn d more from your site than the NRA, once again, thank you! - Dave, Indiana
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