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Stinger Driving Holster
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Customer Comments
I had never owned a "good gun" other than a 22 cal. Ruger single six made in 1957. My guns are wall hanger shotguns and a collection of black powder cap and ball revolvers which are only replicas of the guns used in the civil war. A few years ago (yes years), I started looking for the right gun for me. Since I'm no "marksman", I felt that I needed ...
Wendy, It was a real pleasure doing business with you and Bond Arms. My barrel and holster arrived today only a few days after I placed the order. The fit and finish is perfect and I can hardly wait to go out this weekend to try everything out. I was pleasantly surprised to see that even the little Allen wrench was made in the USA. Thank you again Wendy for your friendly and courteous service. Your state might be a lone star but your company is a five star. Have a great day, Ward (Florida)
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