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Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Customer Comments
I got to shoot 45 long colts with my snake slayer today, it preformed great very smooth firing for such a large shell. Looking forward many more trips to the range. No picture taking allowed at the range where I shoot.
I am the proud owner of a Brown Bear (California) in 45 Colt. During the un-boxing, I was very pleased with the high quality of the firearm as well as the attention to detail in the manufacture of the firearm.
I’ve been to the range several times and have worked my way up from lighter cowboy action loads to standard defensive rounds in 45 Colt. The recoil have been very manageable. For practice and fun, the lighter loads will work just fine.
For defensive purposes (close in), this is a great point and shoot gun. I did have to work on sighting at 15 yards in order to pass CCW requirements.
The Brown Bear also came with a “BAD” holster which I must admit is growing on me.
By design, this firearm is simple to operate and very reliable. I would definitely recommend this gun as it will fill a niche in many collections. Oh, and it looks cool.
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