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Driving Holster
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Customer Comments
As an engineer, I can tell you that it’s truly an engineering marvel. The quality, craftsmanship, fit, and finish of this firearm are outstanding. The Bullpup feels great in my hand, feels great while shooting it, it is very easy to rack the slide, has a smooth trigger, a smooth hammer action, and it’s reliable. I&...
After much review and consideration. I decided the SnakeSlayer would make a great conceal carry weapon. It will fit in my pocket or wife’s purse, the either the 45 or 410 pack plenty of punch. For the critics who worry about only two shots or not very accurate. The purpose of this weapon, is personnel protection. If you plan on getting into a shoot out with multiple gunmen this is not the gun for you. But if you want personnel protection that provides power and absolute reliability then definitely take a look at any of Bond Arms derringers.
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