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Driving Holster
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Z Slayer
Customer Comments
I do like my Snake Slayer, it carries in my pocket in it’s holster, I’ve already taken out a few snakes. I could use a .410 barrel with a little more choke. Have you considered a smooth bore, if you do let me know, I’ll order the same day. Thank You, Ed
After careful examination of many reviews, I recently purchased a Bond Arms Snake Slayer (.45 Colt/.410). Highly satisfied with the metal-to-metal and metal-to-wood fit and finish as well as its robust, well-engineered design. During its first range outing, fired fifty 250 grain cast semi-wadcutter .45 Colt rounds and a variety of .410 loads including birdshot, slug, and 000 buckshot through it (very impressive at up close & personal defensive distances from the target).
If gripped and the trigger pulled as clearly described in the Owner’s Manual, I found the recoil very manageable and the trigger pull clean & crisp. I am so impressed with this piece that I’m ordering another set of barrels today. The “Sticky Holster” and 6 round Quick Strips were also a great addition. Keep up the great work BOND ARMS!
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