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Driving Holster
Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Customer Comments
I have fired several different 410 rounds number 6 shot in 2 1/2 in is best at snakes out to ten feet for 2 legged snakes double oo buckshot in 3 in shell is great out to 35 feet. Will keep all 5 pellets in torso of man sized target. With 45colt fired 12 rounds at 6 in steel plates on dueling tree from 40 feet got hits on all shots. WITH A DERRI...
Very pleased with you once again. The BABS leather shell holder arrived today, and I must say that it is very high quality and it is a perfect match for my BMT holster. Thanks again. - Mike J.
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