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Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Stinger Driving Holster
Customer Comments
I love this little gun look forward to many years of great service thank you Bond Arms for such a great product!
I’m a person of few words so forgive me if I don’t go on and on regarding the virtues of the Bond Arms line-up. I’ve carried a Texas Defender for many years settling on the .45 acp and the 410 barrels. I’ve got big mits so the only addition, other than a holster was the extended grips. I am lucky enough to live in Georgia and have firing ranges in my backyard. I Teach local “LEO’s” officer survival courses I’ve developed over the years, (USMC, law enforcement, etc.). I shoot several times a week and practice with the “Bond” as the perfect “back-up”. I’ve never had a “FTF” or other malfunction with this derringer. It is truly a five star firearm.
My neighbor, who I have run through several of my courses, couldn’t stand it anymore and asked if he could buy my Bond. At the time Bond had come out with the ‘Back-up” model which I immediately picked up with the same barrel combinations. The trigger improvements over the older units is dramatic. For those of you who might shy away from the .45 due to perceived control problems there is an easy fix. Rather than using a standard target type load packing 230 grams of projectile weight; (weight of projectile = increased recoil) try Liberty Arms .45 ammo. The round weighs 78 grams but the bullet attains speeds (FPS) exceeding 1,500 out of this short barrel. It jumps to 1,900 FPS with over 600 foot pounds of muzzle energy. It literally explodes inside your target/attacker with the felt recoil very mild. For the 410 go with 000 buck. Bond Arms units have no problems with either round that I have been using for over five years. Take it from an old man (72) you won’t find a more dependable or better built firearm than those coming from my friends at Bond Arms; and no, I don’t work for them or the ammo company I mentioned nor do I charge the LEO’s that I teach that are having trouble during re-qualification. Stay Safe folks and once you make the decision to carry, get enough gun to insure that you’ll go home that night!
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