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Customer Comments
The recoil with the 45 long gets your attention but the 327 rounds were much easier on me. I'm sure it will be fun to shoot with the help you gave me on the bent elbow. A good friend who is a retired ranger said it was one of the nicest pieces he had see. Thanks for the follow up concern. - Lou Feulner
I am a Disabled Veteran confined to a wheel chair and I needed some protection. That being said; I purchased the Snake Slayer IV, not only for the small size but the need for the hand cannon effect (shotgun). I have put many rounds down range and found the weapon to be nothing but entirely fun to use as well as totally appropriate for its intended purpose for protection! I have heard many individuals write reviews describing the enormous kick from the gun… to those individuals; I would suggest a BB gun… if you can’t fire a shotgun; this is not the weapon for you, very little kick. The weapon is very loud but that is to be expected. The weapon is also built like a tank. Dropped the weapon a couple of times on hardwood floors as well as concrete (accidently dropped). The only thing that kinda bugs me is the big forward sight on the gun… I really don’t see a need for it, most shotguns only have kinda like a BB for the front site (if anything at all). I understand this particular weapon will fire a multitude of various different kinds of ammo but the weapon is primarily for protection and from myself and all accounts I have read, it is not accurate past 20 or 30 feet (although both barrel do hit the same hole, everytime)… not supposed to have the accuracy of a sniper rifle. Incredibly good weapon for its intended purpose!
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