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Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Driving Holster
Customer Comments
I purchased my Cowboy Defender on sale at my local Academy; it came with the .22mag barrel set. I ordered the .22lr set to go with it, along with the .380 that was being sold at half price. I never could get either .22cal set to consistently fire. I contacted the manager at BA; they said that probably customers had been dry-firing the gun. I ended ...
Very impressed with this hand cannon. Holds a fairly tight pattern of pellet placement at 15 yrds, and pretty accurate with the .45 loads as well. This is currently my “carry”, as I like the idea of having 5 pellets of 00 buck shot (X2) going “downrange” at 1150fps (Muzzle Vel. w/ 3″ shells). I think this makes a great self-defense pistol.
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