As I have previously teased your incredibly kind and knowledgeable staff, I am mad at you for making what must be one of the handiest trail/defense guns ever. For years, I knew of your quality production but could not wrap my mind around needing one of your derringers. Initially, I purchased a used Cowboy Defender, which I thought to just experiment with and then likely sell. Boy, was I fooling myself! What I discovered is, without a doubt, the lightest and best gun for trail, woods walking, and self preservation (two, four or no legged). I am a cattleman and routinely carried a big bore single action when checking the cows or running the fence line. Vermin, varmints and rank bulls are always a possibility and this gun is the handiest. Now, the Bond Arms gets the nod every time I do just about anything. I don't know how it happened but Cowboy Defender sent word to his siblings and now the Century 2000, Snake Slayer IV, Ranger II, and Backup all live under one roof! Of course, then came extra barrels to boot. Your product is so versatile, I now view it as an invaluable necessity. It is the embodiment of exceptional engineering and quality, yet offered in a relatively light weight package. Recoil is very tolerable. If any readers were like me, wondering aloud "Why do I need one?", I can only respond "Don't be slow to action. Buy one!"
It will serve you well and its durable construction will guarantee a heirloom for your subsequent generations. Thank you for making such an exceptional firearm, one that has proven its value over and over again.

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