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Stinger Driving Holster
Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Customer Comments
I just purchase the gun magnet that was on your web site. I have never seen any thing like it before. I have mounted it underneath a lamp stand next to my easy chair. Out of sight and very handy to reach in case I need it. My wife like it too. Easy for her also. I will be purchasing I few more for my home. the price is a little high, but that is...
I received a Snake Slayer for Christmas and had a chance to fire it not long afterward. I bought some 45 colt range loads and used some 410 3″ animal load rounds that I keep. Expecting to have some serious “kick”, I was prepared. The surprise was that neither the 45 or 410 rounds had any greater kick that my XDS 45. Love the gun and have now found a second carry weapon for those times I need a smaller weapon.
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